Gearing up for the 2015 Star Wars Force Friday Event
Before the 2015 movie premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Uncle Milton wanted to re-launch their Star Wars Science toy line. After I initially designed the original, Flash-based website in 2009, I was excited they asked me to return to the project.
The deadline was extremely quick, and I had two weeks to design the home and secondary page layouts based on the approved toy packaging designs. This included only one round of review by Lucasfilm. Once complete, Uncle Milton's partner company handled development.
One of my favorite parts of the experience was having access to a not-yet-released photo of the movie’s new villain, Kylo Ren. My inner child beamed as I told my fellow Star Wars nerds that I knew a secret, and they didn't.
Starting back in 2009
Until 2009, my experience with the Uncle Milton brand was receiving their classic green ant farm as a childhood Christmas gift. When the company reached out, looking for an agency to design a website for their new Star Wars toy line, we jumped at the chance. At the time, I co-owned a small design and development company called Oxygen Productions. We designed, coded, and animated an interactive, Flash-based website utilizing classic Star Wars movie sounds.